Pet Therapy
Choupinette is my 3-year-old Maltipoo therapy dog who embodies the 'Magic Combination' of Maltese affection and Poodle smarts. She has an enthusiastic zest for adventure and playtime as well as a sensitivity to nurture and snuggle on a lap or nestle alongside someone in bed.
"Mon petit chou" is a French expression meaning "My little cabbage"; Choupinette is the feminine diminutive form. Though at 9 pounds, 'Brussel Sprout' might be more appropriate!
Together we are a Magic Combination with her endearing personality and my experience as a mother and teacher to be
an effective active listener. Young, struggling readers will find sympathetic and non-judgmental ears from both of us.
We are available in homes, assisted living, hospitals, libraries or wherever requested.
Follow Choupinette's life with The Scoop on Choupe button.